In an exemplary display of poor journalistic skills and yellow journalism, the writer quoted references from several imaginary employees to corroborate accusations made out of thin air. None of these accusations have been substantiated with any real proof. 作者在文中引用了若干虚构员工的话,以证实一些无中生有的指控,堪称蹩脚的报道技巧和黄色新闻写作的典型。所有的指控都没有任何真正的证据支持。
The unit casing shall be air tight at low and high pressure, units to be installed open to weather shall be weather proof type. 部件的层面在低压和高压下应具有气密性。安装在室外的部件应具有耐候性。
Our productions have good-looking in shape and excellent air proof functions. 公司生产的阀门造型美观、密封性好。
CROWD: And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. 人群:火箭闪闪发光,炸弹轰轰作响,我们的国旗依然存在。
Our insulating glass, soundproof and heat resistant, is good at water& air tightness and can proof water and wind. 中空玻璃设计,隔音隔热,具有极佳的水密性和气密性,防风防水。
Using air curtain for smoke proof in the staircase of high-rise building 空气幕在高层建筑楼梯间防烟中的应用
Air compressor Surge proof control is key in compress section in ASU, Surge proof control affect the air compressor itself safety, therefor air compressor configuration is important. 空分装置中空压机的防喘振控制是压缩工段的关键,防喘振控制的好坏直接关系到空压机设备的安全,因此空压机控制组态十分重要。
Design and Application of Air Compressor Surge Proof Three-line Control in DCS 空压机防喘振三线控制在DCS中的设计及应用
Chlorine leak accidents could happen during the transportation by tank car and most leaks happen in safety accessories since there exists many air proof points in it. 液氯汽车罐车在运输过程中可能会发生氯气泄漏,由于罐体安全附件密封点较多,因而绝大多数泄漏发生在安全附件上。
Based on years of experiences on the development of multi layer air reactor, the criterion of its optimization design is presented with theoretically strict proof. 根据多年研制多层并联空心电抗器的经验,提出优化设计多层并联空心电抗器的判据,并在理论上进行了严格的证明。
Presents the air conditioning system design especially the VAV system and their control, and the smoke proof and exhaust of the building. 概要介绍了大厦空调系统设计,重点介绍变风量系统及其控制内容和方法,并对防排烟系统作了初步探讨;
Air conditioning and electric standards for explosion proof in dangerous chemicals warehouses 化学危险品仓库空调与电气防爆标准
The Water Pollution Prevention Law, Air Pollution Prevention Law, Tort Liability Act and other laws provide for a proof rule in environmental civil litigation named reversed burden of proof. 我国《水污染防治法》、《大气污染防治法》、《侵权责任法》等法律都规定了环境民事诉讼实行特别的举证规则,即举证责任倒置。